We provide enrollment for each of our students in online schooling through The South Carolina Connection Academy. With a proven track record, Connections Academy gives a quality education for each of our athletes.
Students have set learning hours every weekday in a classroom setting with our academic staff present. Tutors and advisors are available all day for classwork support.
Higher Education Prep
Most of our athletes begin higher education level courses while at P27. The ability to dual enroll allows athletes the chance to get a head start on higher level coursework.
Athletes will be guided through testing prep, including the SAT and ACT. For all players who choose to forgo the professional draft, continue on to collegiate teams. Our tutors ensure successful habits and importance is always created regarding the education of our athletes.
SC Connections Academy and SC Prep are nationally accredited programs offering flexibility needed for athletes to gain quality education while training at the highest level. Athletes will take NCAA accredited courses, AP and Honors classes, and some will enroll in college curriculum. Both schooling options provide Individual teachers for specific subjects, personal tutors, and more!
A word from our Director of Academics: Dawn Wisniewski
At P27, academic success is a high priority. It is the goal of our entire staff to prepare these young men for success in college at every level, especially education. Therefore, we carry high expectations and personal accountability to ensure that each student reaches his maximum potential in and out of the classroom. Most of our students take their classes through an online charter school called South Carolina Preparatory Academy, where state certified teachers present live lessons each day, and assign guided notes, tests, and projects for the students to work on throughout the week. As the Director of Academics, I facilitate the progress of each student within a live classroom setting, where small groups of student athletes rotate in and out throughout the day to work on their computers and complete their schoolwork. During that time, I collaborate with teachers, communicate with students and parents, monitor grades, and provide personalized assistance with coursework when needed. In addition, students can drop in any time to receive NCAA and High School graduation advisement and recommendations. It is my honor and privilege to work with these guys every day, and to see them excel at the next level.